A twist in the Ultimate Ninja series...I like it!
The story is the entire Shippuden stroyline so far, from the Akatsuki capturing Gaara to Pain's assault on the Leaf Village. You play through it all, and when you're done, there are side missions and extra missions to cure boredom.
Let's get its flaws out of the way. When I started it up, the first thing I noticed was there was no battle mode. The Ultimate Ninja series should be all about fighting! But I guess Bandai Namco Games wanted to try something different. To some, it may be a breath of fresh air, but it would've been nice to have the option. Also, compared to the other games in the series, it has a smaller roster. 25 characters, while others have at least 40-45. One more: the difficulty. The game is automatically on normal mode(however, you can change it before you enter), but for the huge story that this game has, it doesn't present a lot of difficulty.
The graphics in this game are some of the best on the PSP, especially when you pull off a finishing move. The controls are spot on. Nothing more. Your basic "Ultimate" controls.
Overall, even if you're not a Naruto fan, this game is definitely worth a purchase(to get you even more psyched for Ninja Storm Generations!).