Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Impact is the game that will make you addicted, because of the GREAT GamePlay.. (y)

User Rating: 10 | Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact PSP
This is my first time to review a game (Hope it's good) hehe

Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Impact is the game that will make you addicted, because of the GREAT GamePlay.. (y)

The other reason i tell you to play this game because of All New Characters, not like the old naruto game, you cannot access all of the character..

But, now you can play all naruto characters, from naruto (OF COURSE), sakura, sasuke, and many more

And especially (The character that i really Like) => Naruto (Sage Mode) is here, WoW!

And the other characters that made me impressive is Tobi and Pain that makes me really want to play that game all time.. lol

Now it's not a dream again to play a Great Game.. Lmao

I really give big thanks to the developer, this is a Great, Great game..

Continue and do you your best.. (y)