Fans Will Love It,Others Will Like It.One Amazing Great Game Based On the Naruto Shippuden Anime.
now lets review the fighting in the game.ok at first it is impossible to figure out what to do,but after maybe 10 to 15 fights you will get the hang of it,if you have seen the naruto shippuden anime then you can clearly see the exact things in the fights,for example the exact moves,exact voices,powers,and every specific detail belonging to those characters.i think it would be a bit new to does not seen the main anime,but i am sure it is still awsome for those players too.i think altogether there are about 20 highly detailed arenas to fight a VS match in,and it has an incredible amount of details in those levels,really admirable for the you progress in the adventure mode you will unlock new characters to be able to use them in the VS fights and i think you can unlock all the characters from naruto shippuden which is thing i really liked about this naruto game was that,in the adventure mode at the end of each chapter you will have something like a boss fight which is basically a huge fight that mostly is like ,pressing buttons at the right time,and according to your timing of pushing the buttons,you will get stars from 1 to 5, on every button pressing situation,so that means if it gives you 5 different buttons to push that means if you do well and get all the starts you have 25 stars now,so not that difficult to figure out,the animations in those fights where beyond my expectations ,they looked so close to the real anime,which is thing i forgot to mention here is that after each fight you will be rated according to your health and the timing and so on which is great,the better the rating, the more SP(storm points) you will earn.the more SP points you get, the better titles you earn.and i have to mention that i really enjoyed this colorful and amazing game many colors and effects are involved and great fights add to the greatness of the game ,it is really pleasing i guess,and again im sure the fans will love it and other players who have not seen the anime will also most probably like this game.even after you beat the game you can go back to the boss fights and replay to get S ranks,you can go play the side missions afterwards and you can unlock different ninja tools for the battles an so on.the game was pure fun and entertainment for me, i enjoyed it very much.thanks for reading my review.don't forget the thumbs up if you liked it:)-.