The newest Naruto game for the 360 is a great new sequal to Rise of a Ninja.
The Xbox Live play in Naruto TBB is great. It's great to play against people around the world and fight against your friends. It's also fun to compete in the online tournament against other people to reach the highest rank of Hokage.
The controls in The Broken Bond is the same as the last games controls. They're pretty easy to learn and master. The sound effects in the game are pretty good. It sounds great to hear the original music playing while fighting.
OVERALL 9.5/10: Naruto The Broken Bond is a great addition to the last Naruto game for the 360. The story is great from the start to the end, its fun to play as Naruto and fighting against new opponents. The online is fun to play and can get pretty addicting. The game is perfect for a long time Naruto fan and also for a gamer that is looking for just a fun anime fighter for their Xbox360 console!