They killed it, they just needed to translate but no, "hey let's make a new battle mode and stripp down everything

User Rating: 6.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Portable Mugenjou no Maki PSP
My god

They just needed to translate and ADD features, why did they do this?
The japanese game was great (don´t ask), it had minigames, fights and a story mode that I didn´t understand a thing cause it was japanese. But that was my point of getting it, so I couls understand the story on the game.
Instead, they stripped down everything in the game and left nothing but the fights (wich are pretty good)

This game lacks the playability from the japanese one, why is it always US debelopers think that they should make a worse game, even the super attacks are at a lower level (what's the point in that), On the japanese one sasuke does chidori on the 2nd. state of the cursed seal, but in this one sasuke does chidori on his normal state, Kiba does "Tsouga" (the one that turns akamaru into a shadow clone and does a rolling attack), When in the japanese game he does "Garouga" (the one that he and akamaru make a fusion and turn into a giant two headed dog, and then do a massive rolling attack)

Why can't they just leave the greatest attacks, I don't care if they are the same, they are better.

So far, the game is good, but lacks a lot of things from the japanese one