This game is a solid Naruto game and if you're a fan of Naruto, check it out!
User Rating: 9.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Portable Mugenjou no Maki PSP
When I saw the first announcements for this game i thought that should be pretty decent. Of course being a slimmed down version of the Japanese PSP game, made me want to rethink buying it, but in some areas, it's actually better. They cut out the story mode and inserted Heroes Mode which is where the fun starts.The mode has you pick a team of three ninja and take them through a series of stages. This mode is pretty challenging for a handheld game, once you get to hard in Heroes mode that is. Unlike most games, each level in this mode is a specific difficulty that increases after you unlock the next chapter. By the time you get to insane mode you'll need to have a few hours of practice under your belt because it's no joke (until the second time, then it just seems really easy). Multi player is done via ad hoc and there is also game sharing for those of your friends with PSPs just wanting to try the game out. Another mode is the Promotion Menu. It requires you to either spend massive time in single battle mode, (one on one vs. computer) or repeat Heroes mode a couple of times. This is because it asks you to earn scrolls to move up in the ninja ranks. (You start out in the academy) All in all, this is a solid Naruto game and I'll recommend it to anyone that likes Naruto or is looking for a decent fighter for their PSP.