Its worth checking out if your into the naruto series.
This games story mode is surprising long but fun. Im not to sure what is goin on because i cant read japanese. Well you have to climp this tower that is 100 floors long using naruto and his friends. Then once you beat that you can beat it again using sasukes group but when you do it with sasukes group its only 30 floors long. Once you beat the story mode with naruto and sasukes group you will have unlocked all the characters. While doing the story mode you will do many mini games along the way. For example there is one game where you have to run up a tree and dodge all the braches in a set limit of time. Another one is a trivia which is nearly impossible since you dont know what it says. Another would be like playing the slot machines in the casino. Another would is where shikamaru uses his jutsu on you and he imputs commands that you must do on your psp kind of like the old game we all know and love "simon says." There are some other mini games i dont feel like explaining just for the fact it would be difficult to explain. Fighting in this game is really fun. It is just like ultimate ninja for the PS2 with the exception that you only have one big attack instead of three. The X button is jump, circle is attack and while using other directions of the dpad, square uses items, and triangle starts the ultimate attack then when you hit your opponet you watch the attack.
Gameplay 9/10 because of the creativeness of the mini-games and how fun the fighting is along with the originality of each character.
Graphics 8/10 because I have seen better but I have still seen a lot worse.
Sound 8/10 because the only thing I recognize is the name of the attacks and thats about it. The music goes well for the most part with fighting and other mini-games.
Value 6/10 because I dont think what i payed for ($60) was worth it. I would say the game is worth about $40
Reviewers Tilt 9/10 because I am a big fan of Naruto and I liked how the game turned out.
I hoped you enjoyed the review and if you need any help on this game like how to do certain things just send me a PM here on GS.