You have done well young grasshopper, but you still have much left to learn.
Graphics: 9/10
The graphics to this game are awsome. Don't get me wrong, they aren't mind blowing but still are the better of many other Naruto games. The characthers look like there right out of the anime. The explosions look good, the special moves look incredible, and all the characthers animate very smoothly. They're aren't incredible, but definetly a step up from the pencil shaded comic panel look of the other games.
The voices sound real, the attacks sound real. You can even hear the little puff when they dissapear and have a log reappear in the place. Some of the voice acting seems a little off, but they were able to get the mood and sound down just right.
The gameplay section is a little complicated, because there is the good. But also the annoyingly bad. There are two sections to gameplay; Story mode and Free battle. Lets start with Free battle;
Free battle (which you can probably guess) is where you can dive right into battle with your favorite Naruto characthers. You don't start out with a great list at first (mostly the kid characthers) but you soon get some of the better ones soon. Each characther has their own move list and assortment of special attacks. Also the fields are amazing, they look like they've been taken right out of the anime. There also little special effects: you can now fight on walls (after you or your opponet gets hit into one) and you can use special weapons like bomb balls, Kunai bombs, and explosion tags. Also Naruto has taken a page out of other fighters like: Marvel Vs. Capcom. You now have up to two support characthers in battles. These supports can't be switched out with your main fighter, but are still extremely useful. They can be used to make heavy combos, juggle your opponet, break opponet combos, and even become a human sheild. They have timelimits so you nor your opponet can call them out every second. They is some bad in the Free battle mode. Firstly you always have to have at least one support characther. The game doesn't give you the choice of going it alone. Another thing is you can only have two people playing against each other. This is a step down considering in other Naruto games you can have up to four people playing. Another fault is the characther list, there are many characthers that could have been used. There are 13 of them actually (yes I counted). You do get some of them back, but only as down loadable content support characthers. Another major problem is the combo system. The combos are bit too easy, it just involves button mashing. Also even if a characther has more than mini special move, they can't do both in the fight. You instead have to choose one of them at the characther selection screen. The last problem would be the size of the fighting areas. Although these places looking amazing, they are just too big. Many matches I've played against computer and friends have been drawn out just because the losing player could run away to the other side and keep throwing kunai.
The next section is the story mode. Story mode has you becoming Naruto and going into the Leaf Village. The Leaf Village has been remodeled faithfully and looks incredible. Their in the city you can look for Ramen ingredients, secret scrolls, treasure chests, or just explore. Finding these things will allow you to power up Naruto, buy new support moves, or just find money. You can also do missions. Most game missions mostly have you fighting against certain foes (with your choice of characther) and completing certain objectives. Having 50% chakara (energy), killing them with a throw, killing them with a special, 20 hit combo, etc. These missions can range in difficulty depending on your skills and characthers you use. The story missions are the same way, but are somewhat more difficult then game missions and unlock other characthers in the game after beating them. Not to mention, they have some of the coolest boss battles I've seen. You need to fight giant opponets, even though they usually end in quicktime events. They're all still incredible, probably some of the best boss battles. The is some bad the to the Story mode. Firstly you can't do any missions without first going into story mode, which some might find annoying. Another fault is that the treasure chests, secret scrolls, etc, although can be well hidden. Show up on your HUD map so finding them can get boring and tedious. Also you cant fight anybody in story mode unless you go on a mission. Finally the most annoying and horrible thing about this game: minigames. The minigames are horrible, annoying and tedious. They are only 4, one is running through a forest either to win a race or catch a target. The other three are running up a tree (race), playing hide and seek with Leaf Village kids, and jumping through target rings. All three are annoying and worst of all necessasry to move on in the game. In the story missions they come up but not enough to get on your nerves. They come up alot in the game missions, and are constant headaches. You need to do these game missions or you wont be able to move foward to the next story mission. PLEASE NARUTO, IN FACT ALL GAMES OUT THERE, DO NOT FOR THE SAKE OF PURITY MAKE MINIGAMES NECSSESARY!!!!!
The story is the basic story of the Naruto manga but without the Land of waves arc. Which to me is a big step down. Mostly because without that arc the game has two less charachters.
Lasting Appeal:6/10
This is Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storms greatest problem. Once you are done with all the story missions there is nothing left to do. You will still have treasure chest's to collect and maybe Ramen ingredients. But thats about it really. There is no incentive to do the last couple of missions or repeat old ones on a harder level because there are no trophies for this game. Including in game trophies. Now that I've beaten it, the only time I play is when I'm bored or when friends come over.
Naruto, you definetly suprised me with this one. You truly are the most unpredictable ninja I've ever seen. Yet you have a long way to go from Hokage. But for now I have to say, you did your fans proud on this one. Hopefully you'll make a sequel to this and make it at least a 9/10. BUT PLEASE NO MORE MINIGAMES.