Monotonous and Short

User Rating: 3 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero PS2
Don't get me wrong, I love the Naruto franchise, but this game left a lot lacking in my opinion.
My main problem with it is that it is incredibly repetitive. Yes you can unlock several characters but once you've played the story mode through with one of them, you've played through with them all, especially as the moves use the same keys to activate. Yes this can prove useful to begin with as it makes it easier to fight whilst you are getting used to the game, but after a while it just makes it all the more monotonous.
My second problem is that it is very short. The story mode lasted me less than half a day (and this is completing it with all characters) and this is my first fighter game I've ever played so, in theory, I should have found it harder. Granted I was playing on the medium mode but still, it shouldn't be this easy. I dread to think of what ease mode it like. And then the fights are so tedious that I won't be playing the game through again on hard anyway.
You can buy items but the way to do it is obscure and you find yourself playing over fights to gain enough money just to buy seconds worth of extra action.
Granted the missions you can play will add several more hours to this total, and gaining all the secret scrolls, but, once again, the fights are monotonous and some of the criteria is very badly explained so it becomes more up to luck whether you pass them or not. I found myself stuck with understanding one of the criteria so I can progress no further.
Over all, this game provided me with at least a little fun as I'm pretty much a die hard fan, but anyone less, I don't think they'd find much to rave about with this game. I gave it a 3 more out of love for the anime series and if you really want it, rent it before spending your money, but then I don't sup[pose you'd need to buy it afterwards. You'll have finished by the time your rent runs out.