This game is prety damn good! I wouldn't expect such from a TV related game. Buy Naruto ultimate ninja.

User Rating: 9.2 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero PS2
OK, To say some things about this game i would like to say.......... THIS GAME IS FRICKIN SWEET! I know that some people are saying that im wrong right now , but seriously, BUY NARUTO ULTIMATE NINJA! Please take this oppertunity to play this game. Its shel- shaded graphics are great, and its storyline is even better. Everything about this game is terrific! Another good thing about this game is that that the learning curve for this game is probably abou five minouts for the average gamer! The difficulty of this game is just wright. But if you want a real challenge try to beat the whole entire mission mode . it is very very hard to do.