Better that better previous its. This is NARUTO KONOHA SPIRITS, better that NARUTO UZUMAKI NINDEN/CHRONICLES
Unhappyly I was without memory card when I played the “Chronicles” and then I did not arrive at the end. More playing KONOHA SPIRITS, I see that where must have finished last this starts.
Let's Go.
A great change for the game is located in the missions. Now the missions always will be made in trios, or almost always.
In this manner during the game you can change for any one of the three personages and thus to choose optimum for that situation of fight or strategy.
Another gigantic change is in the way multi-player who now can be cooperative.
What it very helps in the hour to divide the “ORBS” that if gain during the mission killing the enemies.
The jogabilidade and the graphs are improved, the only bad point of the game is in when it is played cooperatively.
When as the player is very far, it is carried automatically to the side of the first player, it has more, the funny camera around as the player, thus in the way that as the player if to move the camera will be moved together.
The difficulty of the game is moderate, where it has missions of other menus where you it will feel one strong difficulty to be successful.
It has missions beyond that the proper game provides. Some you form the trio, if to want only can until being a fighter and thus you it will gain more point therefore carried through a mission with imposes a fine on a personage instead of three.
This game is highly recommendable not only for the fans, more for all loving of RPG game action adventure.