Best Naruto Game Yet !!!

User Rating: 7 | Naruto: Konoha Spirits PS2
Ive played Naruto Uzumaki Ninden, Ive Played Ultimate Ninja, Uzumaki Chronicles and even Narutimmett Hero, this game is by far amongst the best Naruto Games available.

Unlike Uzumaki Chronicles, you get multiplayer functionality so that you can play with your family and friends. The story is better and it is more fun to play the game. in this game the developers have put in the best features of Naruto Uzamaki Chronicles and also Ultimate Ninja.

If you have played previous versions of Naruto, this game will be easy as much of the moves are similar to previous games. The game is more interactive and far more interesting than Uzumaki Chronicles.

The problem with the previous version that was released was that it when you switched players you had limited time to use their moves so you had to be quick. But because you can play two players on this you can switch players without controlling each others pad. So the user can go off and the second user can change characters between the three available players.

At first you play as Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi. All of the moves in the Anime can be pulled out in this game. Unlike the English version of Uzumaki Chronicles non of it has been cut out and it includes Tsunade the Fifth Hokage in this. Also Naruto's Power Move is not called Powerstrike but Rasengan... they way it should be.

All of the characters in this game are voiced by the actual people from the Anime so it sounds original and is more enjoyable. I cannot understand Japanese, however the gameplay is pretty straight forward and you can easily get to grips with it within half an hour.

Before missions you are able to go to other towns (the map is very similar and so is the music to Uzumaki Chronicles). I personally dont like the way in which they walk between vilagges, i would have preffered them actually walking towards villages in 3D (like Final Fantasy). You are able to select missions etc. However what i was dissapointed about mainly in this release was that there was no Vs Battle Mode which i would have really like to have seen as they did in Narutimmett Hero.

Overall gameplay wise this game would be a great addition to any Naruto Fans Collection. But if ypu are a hardcore gamer, this wouldjust be too easy for you and some of you may find the moves a bit repetitive. However despite the various shortcomings of this game, i would rate it a 7/10 and i will recommend it to you if you liked Uzumaki Chronicles.