Naruto is back for yet another adventure...
Gameplay: Easy to pick up, easy to execute, well... easy. The game is relatively easy in its whole, and one shouldn't have trouble to play through it. The enemies are pretty much the same all over again, and some of the characters you control can be rather useless sometimes. Still somewhat fun to see some famous Naruto moves in 3D, however. And, unlike the normal minions, some bosses can be challenging. Others... not so much.
Graphics: In my opinion, this is where the game shines in comparison to its predecessor. I'm not much of a graphics person, but I can tell that this game improved it, and it's more enjoyable to look at.
Sound: Mildly enjoyable, although it gets repetitive with many hours of gameplay.
Replay Value: You need two playthroughs to unlock most characters, plus some missions, but even so it's a pain to play it all over again.
Even though I liked the game, I can only really recommend it to hardcore fans of the series.
Final Score: 7.7 (Approximately 7.5)