Natural Selection 2 Official Movie 1
Take a look at a brief clip of Natural Selection 2.
Take a look at a brief clip of Natural Selection 2.
This is GameSpot's pick for Best Shooter of 2012.
These are GameSpot's nominees for the 2012 Shooter of the Year.
Review pulled due to inaccuracies; replacement in the works.
Check out the launch trailer for Natural Selection 2.
Maxwell McGee is joined by Charlie Cleveland and Hugh Jeremy of Unknown Worlds to show off some Natural Selection 2!
Kelly Kelley talks to Hugh Jeremy, The Carpenter at UnknownWorldsEnt. about their upcoming title Natural Selection II.
Maxwell McGee is joined by Charlie Cleveland and Hugh Jeremy of Unknown Worlds Entertainment to check out Natural Selection II in this Now Playing.
The Exosuit featured in Natural Selection 2 is revealed.
Check out this trailer filled with gameplay footage.
The maker of Half-Life's Natural Selection turns to Zen of Sudoku to pay the bills and explains how casual-game development and Steam will make his next game better.
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