Naughty bear has a promising look to it,but does it live up to them promises?
Naughty Bear is a bear living on Paradise island and one day all the other bears throw a party and don't invite Naughty Bear,so Naughty Bear wants revenge.
The Gameplay,the gameplay is about killing bears on Paradise Island along with some other objectives there's two ways you can play these out either,being sneaky and doing things quiet and classy like waiting for a bear to stand by a fire and throw him into it,or you can just go balls out kill everyone anyway you want but the game was made for doing it sneaky so the game is alot more enjoyable when you do it that way.
The controls,controls are decent,my only two complaints would be that there's no setting for changing the sensitivity of the analogue sticks,and second the camera can be very annoying at times,especially in crowed or small rooms.
The Graphics,graphics are pretty,from the stuffing coming out of a bear's stomach after stabbing it with a axe to the colourful houses and landmarks,i'm sure that the graphics will keep any gamer happy.
The sounds,sounds in the game are well done,from the Narrators child show like voice to the screams of the terrified bears running in fear of their lifes.
Mulitplayer,now the first thing i have to say about mulitplayer which is very disappointing is the fact that it only allows 4 players,so it's 2v2 which i thought was disappointing considering that mulitplayer is actually pretty fun,it's almost the same as single player with all the traps and executions etc.
Gameplay time/Missions,the game has 7 chapters split into 1-1,1-2 etc which gives a decent playtime but the main storyline is only 1,2 etc all of the 1-2 and 2-2 are challenges like finish a mission without hitting an enemy or don't get seen by the enemy,sadly it can get repetitive but to keep the game flowing and not have the story over in an hour you must complete some challenges and get a certain amount of trophies,for example 3 bronze to unlock 2-1,and even after you've completed the game there's lots of costumes and mulitplayer badges to unlock.
So overall i think Naughty Bear is a fun game with plenty to do and plenty to unlock,the little things like the repetitive missions and annoying camera do drag it down a bit but i'm sure you'll still have alot of fun playing this game :]