You rather play something else because this game not much fun with terrible challenging poor story and annoying narrator

User Rating: 2 | Naughty Bear X360
Well i'm not very impress of the game called naughty bear the reason this game look like "Grand Theft Auto" and "Metal Gear".
When game start all bears at a birthday party they all give a present to unknown who bear that is?
But there a very naughty bear want to come at the party, there never invited him to come, so he grab weapons and kill's all the good friendly bears at paradise island, remind me of "Jason" from movie "Friday the 13" and naughty bear remind of "Tidez" from "Conker Bad Fur Day" on "N64" and "Xbox", story start you have listen annoying narrator he taking like a friendly person to tell naughty want to do on the mission and challenge after you kill all bears, he scout you "wrap out", "go", "very naughty".
I hate it he said that.
The gameplay naughty bear just run place, building by building to beat'em up and kill the bear's that good about this game the kill move when you see kill on the screen he do the kill move on the bear want item he hold on.
Like the baseball bat, gun, axe, sword, samurai sword and other item.
There are two trap item you can use like mine and bear trap to set trap on them and then make a kill move.
The funny is about the kill move is bear near object.
the five place telephone and other in building and of courage the car, boat and freeze them in refrigerator it very funny to look at it.
The gameplay go on, but map same thing go on same chapter and same challenge again and again.
It just 3 map. map
2.cramping map map, a little boss map to kill on mission.
The camera is lame is just circle around worst is the tree's and outside the building is just to close on bear and the target.
The story is dull it has 7 chapter and each had story each time about party, election, army, zombie and other.
There nothing about the story in this game.
The challenge is awfull there about 3 challenge in each chapter's.
The challenging like this kill'em all, run time, do not hit you, point to go, sleath and dumb thing every thing there is too.
I hated that challenge it boring, cheap and dull to play like that.
I think game publisher 505 games dos't make to much on the storyline and challenge mode.
One thing there is no replay, if your character died, and mission fail you go back to the menu screen it just awful, there is no way to go back to the start and the restart the mission.
It very bad and no checkpoint.
This game would like too see more kill bear like this and of course the care bear's and make more map.
I like to play it, but it just to short to play and awful challenge and cost 50 dollar it just waste of money you been warn. (Thumb Down)