The game's free, but it somehow leaves you wanting. Good premise, needs moer substance. Lacks single player missions.

User Rating: 6.7 | Navy Field PC
I'm a WWII naval buff. I don't mind MMO games. Being a stat-hound, I love the idea of customizing my ship. This game should be perfect, right? Not so much.

All in all, this game is decent, however it leaves you feeling like they got all the basework down but didn't build up from there. Graphics are very dated, but they're functional. The sheer number of upgrades is great, but it really seems like it's a ladder... once something new is available, the old stuff isn't worth having anymore. Also, while the levels come quick and fast early on, you hit a wall in around lvl 15. You're forced to fight against pretty uber ships, which makes it hard to land a shot on them. Without landing a shot, you don't get much xp/cash, which is obviously essential to getting a better ship/fittings. The game promotes fighting against people well below you, as that's the easiest way to get better stuff.

Oddly enough, through all of that... the game is addicting as hell.