No wonder these games can't compete with 2k or EA.... and if you can't compete with NBA Live, that's sad.
This was an overall horrible experience. The players move around to spots on the floor where they do not belong, often wandering. Sometimes the computer can predict your every move so blocked shots happen too often with no foul calls. Very unrealistic occurrences throughout the game. Too many deflections... I could go on. Overall, the engine is just flat-out terrible.
Graphics: 4
This was almost equally as bad as the gameplay. The only reason it gets a notch above is because of some facial animations being pretty on point. The ball bouncing around and through the rim looks pretty real. But the players bodies look awkward and there are several jersey malfunctions and flaws. Numbers are out of place on some jerseys. The crowd animation is just lame.
Sound: 4
What can I say, the sound is way too monotone and too consistent throughout the game. Basketball noises like dribbling, clanking off the rim, player contact etc are either terrible or virtually non-existent. Value: 6
The replay value is slightly better but only because of conquest mode, which is actually very cool and probably the only thing cool about this game. I like being able to challenge a city for the right to take over their team. And if you get challenged and strafe off your challenger, you can trade one player for one player on that team, no matter who it is. I mean, what Sonic fan wouldnt trade Robert Swift for Kobe Bryant? The minigames and carnival are cool, but every other mode is downright awful. If they gave an overhaul to every other mode , you might find yourself with more replay value.
Tilt: 4
Overall, this game is just poor. Perhaps I will try next years version and maybe they will give the other modes a major upgrade. For now, NBA 07 is nothing more than a poser among basketball simulators and has a LONG way to go if it EVER wants to be in the same regards as a 2ksports basketball game.