Not much changed but still "A" okay to me.
Things that have changed:
~ More options
~ Live rosters
~ Online
~ Career
I'll explain myself first. The live roster is a quick way to view real live NBA stats and scores. This is great for hardcore NBA fans but if you just like the games it might get in the way.
The online has changed drastically. Have you played NHL 09? Well it's basically the same thing. Pick your team and a player and 5 online buddies go against 5 other online players to make a real game. This is great! But there are connection problems where people drop out most of the time.
Career is a create a character from the start, pick your team and work your way up from the training camp. Sounds amazing right? There is a problem. It takes to damn long for you to level up. I'm half way through the season and 'm still ranked a 62. It would take several seasons to reach 99 and by the time that happens the gameplay would so dry I wouldn't want to play it anymore.
Overall the new additions have to be tweaked. Lookout for next seasons game because if they fix the problems this franchise will be un-stoppable!