What can i say its just Amazing

User Rating: 9 | NBA 2K10 (10th Anniversary Edition) PS3
Whooa boy! I have played this game for a least 220hrs+ i dont regret not one minute. I used to hate 2k basketball until this year i always stuck wth live but something kept telling me to get it this year and that wat i did. There is only one problem with this game, Lebron James he is toooo good the guy is automatic from halfcourt but all aside the gameplay is great flashy passes, flashy dribbling, and flashy dunks. The biggest edition this year is My player mode and heyy im telling you its just fun. Out of those 220hrs i spent playing this game 200 of it went to my player. At first your guy will suck but the more you play the better you get and turn off the anaylizer dude he can get very annoying trust me. Dont believe any of the negative hype on this game with all the bugs and other crap you just got to update the game but anyways this is just fun i dont know what else to say but just dont buy nba live, o yeah im bout to go play 2k10 right now!!!