The graphics of the 2K series have been one of the high points of basketball video games for the last 5 years, and this year is no exception. Player models are the closest to their true NBA counterparts as I have seen in all of my gaming years. Are they perfect..no...but they are damn close. I have found that it is best to judge player models, not by the superstars of the NBA, but by looking at the players that often get overlooked by devs of most basketball games the white and Asian players. I have to say, that 2K doesn't disappoint. Take a look at Luke Walton or Mike Miller and it is easy to see that 2K spent effort in creating their character models to best reflect the entire of the NBA family of players. Also, they have finally addressed one of the legacy issues that has been around for several years. That is spacing. In previous games, it felt as though the players just took up too much space on the court. This year, 2K Sports has made the players more accurately scaled on the court...so that space is readily available for some of the best on-court action.
Speaking of on-court, this is where NBA 2K10 really shines. For those who love the sport of basketball, we all know that there are two types of games...the run and gun and high speed transition, and the half-court and play focused styles. The great thing about this game is it's inherent ability to provide BOTH styles. However, you have got to pick the right team. Players and teams really play like the teams that they represent in reality. The Lakers play an uptempo style, all the while keeping the triangle intact for those half-court situations. The Cavs will run a LOT of point forward half-court situations with Lebron calling the shots and coming off screens. Player statistics are kept realistic by the NBA Today, which tracks games from day to day and keeps players in tune with their real world performance. Plus, it gives the days matchups right at the load up screen.
This brings me to my next point. This years game menus have been tweaked. If you played the NBA Combine DLC or demo, then you know what to expect. It is a much more intuitive system then what was done in the past and it makes it easier to navigate the menu options. Speaking of options, there are a ton. You can have the NBA Today games, each already preselected and playable alone or with the find a friend online option. You can go to the practice arena for a scrimmage game, to practice plays, go it alone with Freestyle, or practice Free Throws. You can go to the playground and do the 3 Point competition, Slam Dunk competition, or have a pick up game with the current NBA players or the Greats from all ages. (which includes 1-5 player matchups and 21) The final option is the My Player mode. This mode casts you as an NBA upstart. You create a player, go to the NBA Combine to hone your skills, and take a run at the NBA. This mode is fun, but frustrating. It is fun because you are playing the essence of basketball. Because your player is NOT a superstar, you will not start out as a high flying, 3 point dropping juggernaut of a player. In fact, you will probably more accurately represent the Average Joe that you truly are. However, with some work on your skills (with Skill training), and a few matches under your belt. You will start to take form as a true NBA player. The frustration comes with the fact that you will be nit picked to death for mistakes. One bad pass, one bad call for the ball, or one bad shot could cost you in the grading system that determines those upgrade points that will make you the NBA player that you are striving to be.
My final point about NBA 2K10's greatness will be spent talking about the presentation. This is some of the slickest, broadcast style presentation to date. Player pregame rituals have been included from the LeBron powder toss, to the Kobe chest bump. The broadcast team is GREAT. In fact, this sounds like some of the most natural commentary that I have ever heard. You would be hard pressed to recognize that it is scripted for a video game. Not only do they comment on the things that are happening in the game, but they also talk about the league in general. They even include promo teasers for upcoming games in the schedule. While the broadcast team adds to the overall feel, the crowd chants and stadium noises seem to have been ramped up to. Random screams for players, free throw taunts, even dynamic changes when the shot clock runs down give the player that immersive feel of being on the court.
Okay....so by now you can tell that NBA 2K10 is a great game from a great franchise..right? So, is it perfect.....NOPE!!! The problems with 2K10 are mostly legacy issues. The out of bounds dive is still almost useless. There are still problems with
players shooting from the baseline and near the basket or even going behind the basket for no reason (though not as much as the past). Refs can glitch and keep passing the ball back and forth to inbounding players. Dumb computer AI will sometimes take the ball back court or out of bounds for no reason. It doesn't really affect YOU, but it DOES affect the overall realism.
IN SUMMATION: NBA 2K 10 is NBA basketball....it is beautiful, fluid, consistently Great, but is DOES have it's flaws. For a numbers rating I gave it a 8.5 (just on the slider), but it would be more like 87% or B+. If this is a sign of what is to come. You can only be excited for the 2K series and with Live now adding pressure...NEXT year could blow your mind!!!