My first basketball game in 15 years, now i'm hooked. Best sports sim out there.
I am not a basketball fan and a European into football etc so usually play FIFA, F1 etc.
This game is by far the best sports sim I have played even if you are not that into basketball this is a pleasure to play. The graphics are awesome and immersive from every little detail, fully rendered fans, cleaners,'s..half time shows, funny press conferences
It has a career mode that is like a separate game in itself played from 1 players perspective leveling with XP to get new skills etc
The commentary is clearly better than fifa etc probably as the developers only need to record for 30 teams which means each teams commentary is more in depth, they discuss players form in past seasons..just like watching TV
The game is difficult especially in my case if you dont know what "clutch or a post-up" is or what the positions in a team are even meant to do..however if you stick with it you really develope skill to play and enjoy the challenge.
This game is just good , if you like a sports sim , try it