Well, lets see. In the game I am a professional basketball player, one of the best in the world. In real life I play basketball for about 2 hours a week for fun and would tear my "Myplayer" a new one. I mean really, did my Myplayer miss 4 close range open shots in a row? Also there is no difficulty system. Rookie is the same as All-Star. You can do every strategy in the book and both react the same way. Also for some reason I guess out of pure stupidity they will make you lose no matter what. All your shots go bad, cant make any free throws and your team just gives the ball away. Yeah so no matter how much you play or how "good" you get you will still lose if they want you to. Way to throw hours of practice out the window. And all the players you control are slow. You practically have to be able to read the computers mind to keep up even playing as Micheal Jordan. I move my player and it has like a 1 second lag. I'm defending the computer perfect with my control stick but the player just decides to stand around for a second before he gets the motivation to move. I will not get into the graphics or game modes because without decent gameplay none of that even matters.
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