A honest review.....
-----------------NBA 2k6-------------------------------------------------------------
Gameplay: The gameplay is solid, steadfast and awesome. No problems in the gameplay department except for the occasional glitch in which the player loses his / her pants. 9 out of 10
Multi-player: Great Multiplayer online or offline. But if you feel like settling a grudge, Play against your friend over a girl or something. 10 out of 10
Graphics: Of course, it gets a 10 cause it has ~real~ sweat! the graphics rock. the cloth ( jersey) on the player actually moves!! 10 out of 10.
Sound: 2k sports did a great job while working with the music. Honestly, the music is awesome mixing with R&B and Rap, perfect blend for NBA 2k6
10 out of 10
Value: it'd cost you $60 why not give the value a high rating? the game is awesome in the value department. 10 out of 10.
Tilt: it's a great game in all but the game settles with a 9.7 out of 10.