1st Impressions: NBA 2K6 gives you some rediculously easy achievements, but it's also a decent basketball game on it's o
The Bad: All of the achievements can be earned in one game, it's outdated now, isn't very different from older NBA games.
The 2006 sports games may be outdated, but they still can offer a lot of fun at a cheep price. NBA 2K6 for the Xbox 360 is the cheepest game I have ever seen. At $9.99, it's almost too good to not purchase, but achievement hunters looking for some very easy achievements may just want to rent it. It's a classic sim-style basketball game, but with some nice next gen graphics and more realistic player movements. It really isn't that different from older installments, but does any sports game series change that much from year to year? No. The biggest improvement in this version over it's current gen counterparts is obviously the visuals. Players sweat and it stays on their uniforms, the facial animation is very realistic, there are achievements and all of the 360's standard goodies are used effectively in this game. The achievements are one of the major reasons why people play this game, you can earn all 1000 points in a single game, if you play it right. However, this also makes players feel that they do not need to play the game anymore after earning all of the achievements because they can be earned so quickly, so make sure you're buying the game for the game, and not for the achievements. Overall, this is an NBA game that is enjoyable for what it is: a well done basketball sim with nice visuals and well done gameplay.
Gameplay: The basic mechanics of a well done basketball game are here, and everything works the way it should.
Graphics: The visuals are very nice, but not the best the 360 has to offer.
Sound: Also very good, but not quite the best they could be.
Value: At $10, this is a great purchase if you want it for the game, and not the achievements alone.
Final Thoughts: Sweatty NBA stars never looked so good.