NBA 2k6 is a really fun game for the 360. The graphics are great and look real. I love the shot stick feature and online is fun too. Great game overall. The only bad things that I have seen about the game are some glitches in it. Sometimes, playeres lose their jerseys or their shorts and the jerseys seem to hover over thier shoulders. Also, the achievements are way to easy and you should be able to unlock them all within a few games. Nothing major though. NBA 2k6 is a great game, if your a basketball fan then you shoud definately buy it. If your not it may be worth a rent.
I just say WOW I'm so glad I bought this game. Its fun every time you play and the Online is just what the 360 needed for its first 2k sports NBA title. This game proves that if EA hadn't bought up the rights to the Exc... Read Full Review
NBA 2K6 introduced a new method of "balling" to me with the shot stick. Until now I had always played NBA LIve so I do not know if it is old news or new, but I can tell you that it makes the game require that much more ... Read Full Review