NBA 2k6 is one of the best basketball games ever produced. Unlike Nba Live, this gameplay is pure simulation. An authentic version of reality. The players act and move the same way they do in real life. In Nba Live you get the feeling of your playing numbers (stats) vs numbers. It loose the effect of who your really using.
Now in NBA 2k6, one of the best features they have and I hope they continue is when you fininsh a season and draft a new rookie, they will actually say his name during gameplay. This brings you the feeling that he is now a real player instead of bieng just a created number to add to your roster.
The gameplay is very smooth, easy to get used to and more realistic. The difficulty level has also been adjusted, therefore really giving you a feel and intensity of a tight game. Gamebreaker moves (Aka the buzzerr shot, winning the game with 1.2 seconds left on the clock).
Unlike last year, the game has been redone. New graphic engine, and new rendering engine. Therefore giving you better graphics and a smooth gameplay. You will definetly see the difference and hopefully enjoy it more.
Regular Franchise mode, nothing too much added there. However, I was amazed when I found a new basketball game out right now, that many people mistake it for 2k6.
The name of it is NBA 06 The Life. This game is quiet misleading. If you reply to NBA 2k6 after playing that game, you didnt play 2k6 series.
It's actually produce by 989 Sports. Now you know why that game sucks.
Please take a look at NBA 2k6 for X-Box 360, after seeing that video, I will never buy another basketball game again from NBA Live.