I think this NBA 2K6 is the best basketball game I have played period. Blows away the competition, for less money.

User Rating: 9.6 | NBA 2K6 XBOX
This basketball game is just plain fun to play. The game speed is great, the graphics are good, the shooting difficulty is just right, and you the players look detailed. You have a lot of control over your team during the game, by calling plays to setting up the defensive pressure. As with EA, you have a set number of plays you can call on defense and offense, and all have some quick plays, such as pick and roll and post plays. The sound is good, could of been a little better but is hardly a concern. I also like the way free throws are shot, makes them hard but a lot more fun. I like the iso-motion stick, makes the game play a lot of fun, and gives more control for the ball handler. The Value definitly gets a 10, because it is cheaper than EA and a lot better than LIVE. Overall, a very solid basketball game.