Very realistic basketball game

User Rating: 8.6 | NBA 2K6 XBOX
Playing this game i wasn't expecting as much as NBA live 06 or even anywhere close to it. In fact i hadn't even known this game was out until i saw it at blockbuster. This game may be slightly underappreciated just because it came out a big later than live 06 and for its considerably lower price. But this is a gooood game, a must buy for any basketball junkie gamer out there.

The graphics and sound are just plain ok. Yet another sports game failed when it comes to the crowds and i was also dissapointed by the lack luster commentary. But from aside from that the gameplay in this game makes up for it. Its got a good engine for the basketball genre, with tight controls and without having to do to much button smashing.

The biggest improvement to this years version is the shooting style and the tougher defense when penetrating the paint. I absoultely LOVE some of the moves you can do in this game, which are sickly realistic. Whether its posting up with Disco Dirk and taking a fade or whethear your wrecking havoc if one of your players catches fire. Just perfect.

Very good game like i said, much better than the live 06 game, with more replay value, and for half the price. check it out :)