Great Game modes and Gameplay

User Rating: 8.9 | NBA 2K6 X360
I purchased this game because I really enjoy basketball games and thought it would be better than NBA Live 06 (which it was). This game brings great game modes with the Association, 24/7, Situation, Practice. I really enjoyed Assocation. This mode is basically like a Franchise. I also like 24/7. In this mode you can make a player and play him in street games. Eventually he becomes very good and you can export him to free agencey once you beat the mode. The grpahics for this game were very good. The sweat really looked real. The gameplay of this game is great. You could play this game for hours and not be bored. The only main this that is wrong with this game is probaly the soundtrack (so use your custom soundtrack). So if you like basketball games and are trying to decide with this or NBA Live this is the game for you.