NBA 2K7 is a fun way to pass your time while getting achievements. Some of them are very simple, like set up "My Availibility" which anybody with Xbox Live can earn just a few mineuts after starting the game. The graphics are very well done except if you look a players outline you can easily see rigid lines which is quite dissapointment but the sound makes up for that. Everything sounds great in the game, there really is nothing wrong with the sound. Infact the sound is so great that you really feel like your there. The game really shows that graphics don't have to be very good to make you feel like your there. AWESOME GAME!!!!
I am writing this review after playing about 4 or 5 hours of the game itself. I haven't tried everything out (such as online play), so not everything may be as accurate as you expect. I have to admit, I am impressed w... Read Full Review
Just when you think a series has reached the mountain top, your knocked firmly on you’re a**! The incredible amount of detail put into this game is astounding. The animations, collision detection, graphics, immersion, ... Read Full Review