I must admit, I read the reviews on gamespot , other sites, and user reviews. I was still skeptical, however I think it was a good buy overall. I'm starting to think that the reviews from gamespot are a little shady. How do you call a game better than it's predecessor, and then rate lower than it is beyond me. I do agree that the potential for this game is threw the roof. 2k8 could get a perfect 10 if they fixed minor things. However punishing a game rating that much for potential is uncalled for. I also get annoyed with the people that think every good game is perfect, in no way is this game a 10. To the game. Big step up from last year, it's a sim players dream. If you've played last year, runnin and gunnin your going to have to change your style. The defensive AI is allot smarter and get back allot quicker, the offensive AI is still dumb as hell but you get use to it. The subtle details have improved greatly from last year, from people actually getting up from the bench and sitting at the scorers table to check in to tipping balls to yourself for rebounds. The shooting touches are nice, but take allot of getting use to from player to player. You can't just pick up a random team anymore and play well with them without knowing them. In my first game, I tried Adam Morrison out, and for the life of me I couldn't get his over the head shot to be a perfect release. Free throws to me are still easy, I don't see people complaints to be valid. You can't rely on set timing, but if you were good knowing when to release in 2k6, you should be good in 2k7 keeping in mind that each player will have their own rhythm. Haven't played The Association yet, and I'm assuming that 24/7 is still crap on a stick. Overall if you want an NBA game, this is it. This is the best NBA game 2k or EA has ever put out to date.. I say we should all protest Madden, so the NFL can break the contract so we can have a 2k NFL game.. I hate Madden NFL, and I had Shaun Alexander on my fantasy football team, so I hate them even more now...
I am writing this review after playing about 4 or 5 hours of the game itself. I haven't tried everything out (such as online play), so not everything may be as accurate as you expect. I have to admit, I am impressed w... Read Full Review
Just when you think a series has reached the mountain top, your knocked firmly on you’re a**! The incredible amount of detail put into this game is astounding. The animations, collision detection, graphics, immersion, ... Read Full Review