Yes, I'm keeping it short and sweet. The 2k series is the best out there but you probably already knew that. Live 07 is good, but why have good when the best is available. One of my complaints about 2k7 is that players stop when receiving outlet passes on the fast break which pretty much kills the fast breaks. The other is that the free throw shooting this year can be frustrating as hell since you have to adjust to each players individual shooting style at the line. Other than that , the game is solid. The players shoot like their real life counterparts and they have more animations that make the game look real. EA is lucky 2K7 can't make NFL football games anymore. Hopefully the graphics have more of a leap forward in future iterations of the series.
I am writing this review after playing about 4 or 5 hours of the game itself. I haven't tried everything out (such as online play), so not everything may be as accurate as you expect. I have to admit, I am impressed w... Read Full Review
Just when you think a series has reached the mountain top, your knocked firmly on you’re a**! The incredible amount of detail put into this game is astounding. The animations, collision detection, graphics, immersion, ... Read Full Review