The game has one major flaw and thats the passing. by hitting the regular pass button and pushing a direction the ballhandler may not pass to the closest person in that direction but across the court. Also the catching animation slows players down too much on a fast break. That being said, this is the most realistic and down right fun sports game to hit a console. No matter what level of gamer you are, if sports in general is something that you might like this is the game for you. For lovers of the game, there is no equal. Whether you want to do fundamental bounce passes to behind the back, left handed layups to 180s, even the online play is solid. Plain and simple this is the best SPORTS game i could ask for.
I am writing this review after playing about 4 or 5 hours of the game itself. I haven't tried everything out (such as online play), so not everything may be as accurate as you expect. I have to admit, I am impressed w... Read Full Review
Just when you think a series has reached the mountain top, your knocked firmly on you’re a**! The incredible amount of detail put into this game is astounding. The animations, collision detection, graphics, immersion, ... Read Full Review