2K is back for another year with NBA 2K7. The game is basically the same as 2K6. The first thing you will notice is that you need to start an exibition game before you do anything. The new menus this year are difficult to navagate because you are required to use the right analog stick to move around. I don't know if they where trying to have there menues operate like maddens, but if they were they failed. The gameplay is basically the same. The AI is now definetly harder under the basket. You can't walk right in and take a lay up easily any more. The game moves prettly smoothly. The only bad thing about the gameplay this year is that you will miss most of the 3 point t shots that you take. No matter where you are even if you have the wide open 3 you will miss it more thatn half of the time. It gets very frusturating at times. The graphics are excelent this year and have improved greatly over 2K6.The arenas all look nice to. The biggest mode this year the 24:7 mode and it is great. The voice acting is done superbly. The previous years you would just do challenges and that would be it. This year in 24:7 it is really deep and fun. The new replay screens are cool and they actually want to make me watch the replays. The play by play is great with Marv Allen and Kenny Smith along with Craig Sager. They all do a great job calling the game. This year the game isn't filled with adds like it was last year.If you played 2K6 you will be able to play 2K7 easily. If you liked NBA 2K6 or if you just want a good quality basketball game there is no reason why you shouldn't look past NBA 2K7.
I am writing this review after playing about 4 or 5 hours of the game itself. I haven't tried everything out (such as online play), so not everything may be as accurate as you expect. I have to admit, I am impressed w... Read Full Review
Just when you think a series has reached the mountain top, your knocked firmly on you’re a**! The incredible amount of detail put into this game is astounding. The animations, collision detection, graphics, immersion, ... Read Full Review