NBA 2K7 has collaped as a realistic basketball game into a mediocre experience.

User Rating: 5.7 | NBA 2K7 X360
Positives: cool introduction screen. New street ball option pretty cool to try out. 24/7 mode improved form last year. Excellent job creating different form for every player.

Negatives: GAme changed way too much from 2k6. Improved on things that were already fine, and made them worse. Free throws are really hard to make. Weak defensive play. I don't see Luther Head dunking in the NBA over Shaq. Incredibly easy to make three pointers.

NBA 2k6 was an awesoem basketball game, but NBA 2k7 took all the things that were great in 2k6, and totally messed them up. I would totally recomment collage hoops over this game. It is a way more REALISTIC experience then this game.