Great Sports Game

User Rating: 9.1 | NBA 2K7 X360
I have played both NBA 2k7, and NBA live 07 and i the basketball game of the year goes to NBA's 2k series again. Every year 2k sports always adds on so many new things and makes a much more deep game, and thats why it is better than nba live 07. It still sticks to the fundamental gameplay as it did last year, but the graphics have had a huge boost, and it really feels like your playing on the court with the nba superstars.

The game looks amazing on the 360 and is probably in the top 3 for Xbox 360 release titles so far. Some may argue that it doesn't look as good as NBA 07, but it does. The gameplay isnt choppy and doesnt tend to freeze, while nba 07 has a habit of doing. The sound is very good, and the crowd and the enviornments were done really well. The gameplay is truly amazing, there are a wide range of moves for every different player on each team, and there is a lot of emotion and character to this game. Something the game lacked last year.

This game is a definte must own, it has fantastic gamepaly, nice graphics and is great for any basketball fan, or for that matter any sports fan.