Its back for another year on the Xbox but is it ready to call it a career.
New to this years game is well..... nothing really, your updated rosters, some new dribbling animations and player specific shooting (only the best of the best players have it though unlike almost every player on the 360). And that’s truly it, nothing that’s going to make you want the game except maybe the roster update. Game play is the same with the same little things that will tick you off like missed lay ups and dunks. You can now hold in the L trigger to get into a Defence stance (how this wasn’t in the game before is beyond me). It’s a bit harder to drive the lane this time around but still not impossible. Charges have been turned down a lot this year so you wont see as many making it a more realistic game. The Graphics are untouched from last year and who was expecting change anyway, they looked amazing for an xbox game so im not complaining. The menu has received an upgrade, looking a bit more stylish but its still boring. The sound is also untouched other then the odd new line hear and there and new names that they announce.
Overall you really cant go wrong if you don’t have NBA 2k6 but if you do its hard to recommend this years game. There’s just not enough there to say go for it. Then again its only $20 so its almost not even worth renting cause renting costs like $10 so why not just buy it. If your really in need of basketball go for it but if a roster update means little to nothing to you your fine with 2K6.