I bought this game last week as my first basketball game for the xbox360, and it has impressed me , from the smooth animation to the satisfying dunks. The first thing i noticed when i played my first game, was that the look of the kits and the movement of them was spot on. Also some of the player models were accurate, but there are also some that are just plain horrible and look like the developer hasn't even looked at that player and just done it randomly. Another thing i like is the sprite slam dunk contest, because it can be really fun when playing with mates and you get an amazing dunk and they just mess up. There are also other game modes which are found in the nba blacktop and they are also quite fun. The controls for this game are pretty straight forward but the dunk contest can take a while to get used to. Now i am going to note the things i didn't like so much. The first hoop i scored, I was eager to look at the replay and i did, but i wasn't so pleased, because there were many glitches, such as a hand going through the ball, players going through each other, gliches with kits, and it felt laggy. One other area that dissapointed me was the online, because sometimes i had to wait like a minute for the guy on the sideline to give me the ball so its a not a major fault, but its still anoying. So overall a great polished game with average shiny graphics, gameplay that is a good balance of realism,and fun, and many features. Although it has some small bad points, in the end its positive points outweigh them. If your looking for a basketball game that you can really get your teeth into and that will give you a challenge, then this is the one for you, and i will definetly look into getting nba2k9.
I really wanted to love this game. 2k basketball has been so close, in my opinion, to being the best sports simulation of any kind. But there are continuing problems that plague this series each and every year that defla... Read Full Review
By hooperfax006 | Review Date: Oct 11, 2007 | X360
This game is so fun. The Gameplay is great the best ever in a basketball sim. The Graphics are better but not that big of an improvement. The new features like the Dunk contest and the 3 point contest and rookie Sophomor... Read Full Review