A New Level Of Sports Gaming!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | NBA 2K8 PS3
I had high expectations for this game after the Demo, but I had no idea that I was getting ready to play a game that connects on an emotional, as well as technical level. There are so many improvements in areas such as control, physics, and Artificial Intelligence....but let us just say that all of this translates into one massive FUN FACTOR for Hoops fans.
Previous fans of the NBA2k series may be quite surprised at the intitial 'heavy' feeling that this game has...it has been given a REALISTIC speed and as such, players will be forced to learn plays and variate theiir offense greatly.The days of the DUNKFEST are over.....AMEN. The presentation is no slouch either, with an endgame 'Signature Highlights' feature that lets you check out any player's buckets at the end of the game.The crowd is also excellent, probably the best ever in a sports game.The broadcasting is good, although not great by any means....one of the few things(along with practice mode) that isn't RADICALLY improved. For the first time ever, a COACH MODE has been added to the NBA series(C-Hoops has had it for a year or two) and the result is amazing.The Player-Lock feature also performs splendidly, with your team members playing quite realistically. BUY THIS GAME!!!...You will be rewarded with experiences I had barely dreamed possible.