Gamespot says in its review that one of the negative spots for this game is too many missed layups. HELLO?? is there anybody out there? theres a ton of missed layups and easy jumpers and because of this the game is totally unrealistic! its barely even playable its so frustrating. How can this game be any good if ya cant make a layup? people i want you to pay attention to me this is important. The latest trend for gamedevelopers is to make the game look good to improve upon the graphics, the graphics are rendered irrelevant if the gameplay is bad. The answer is to fix the game engine. get the core fundamentals down first, make sure that you have a relaistic and fun game with the absolute best in gameplay functionality. then after you have perfected that then you can increase the graphics, and online gamemodes and incorporate a slam dunk competion. every year its new graphics, gamemodes, new player on the box with the same tired broken gameplay!
I really wanted to love this game. 2k basketball has been so close, in my opinion, to being the best sports simulation of any kind. But there are continuing problems that plague this series each and every year that defla... Read Full Review
By hooperfax006 | Review Date: Oct 11, 2007 | X360
This game is so fun. The Gameplay is great the best ever in a basketball sim. The Graphics are better but not that big of an improvement. The new features like the Dunk contest and the 3 point contest and rookie Sophomor... Read Full Review