This game simulation is the closest your going to get to the real thing. Nba live still has a ways to go to catch up to nba 2k9. The playability is so life like you actually think your kobe bryant flying in the air for a jam. I feel the graphics could be a little smoother, but overall the game play and presentation can't be beat. If you have a high definition tv and a ps3 or xbox 360, you will actually think for a few seconds that your really watching a real gamer on tv. This game belongs with the top video games of all time for realism. I would put it up their with Grand theft auto IV, Motorstorm 2, Mlb the show 08, Metal Gear solid 4, and Call of Duty. Can this game improve yes. I would like better graphics, maybe a post game hightlight show from around the league. I would like the crowd to represent there team. If your a hot team then the crowd will always be packed. If your the knicks then the crowd looks empty, MLb the show does that and it's pretty accurate. All in all this game still packs a wallop and it's a must buy for all sports fanatics.
Yo so i had like mad high expectations for this game, as like everyone else in the world. I went through like 11 stores to get it cause its mad sold out everywhere in ontario or some crap like that. But yo, it was worth ... Read Full Review
NBA LIVE 09 is touting its updated roster feature and updated moveset, but guess what guys?? NBA 2k9 has it too! The game is AWESOME! Everything about it from the graphics to the presentation to how fluid the animations ... Read Full Review