I'm too the point now that i'll play almost any game that comes out we at least have to give them a try.... You know thats why they came up with rentals, so you will not have to pay full price for something that you may not want.... Okay now lets talk about NBA Phenom; this is a cool game the features that it has are so tight you just don't expect to be able to play a friend in one on one or maybe 2 on 2 don't know other like this have that feature and just too get this out 2 on 2, is definitely what its cracked up to be you just gotta play the game..... It does remind you of all the other street b-ball games but the what you must realize is that its you that's making the moves look spectacular, yeah its real nice that you beat the game all easy like and you think you're the greatest because you've done this, but if you come around my way we want to see some tight moves, mixed up crossovers, up-fakes that make the person you playing against really re-act thats how the game should be played that why the developers are pushing towards the looks of the games instead of its actual games play; it's very simple you control what happens you make the game what it is, so if its that bad what do you think you aree........ OOOPSS did i just say that....!
The game basically plays like NBA Street: Half court, first to 11 by 2s and 3s wins the game. If you clear the ball on missed shots, blocks and steals, you can just take right back up.Most matches are played in a best of... Read Full Review
what a horrible game, i mean the loading times make me wanna throw my ps2 out my window, the game is extremely repetitive, play this guy to 13, play that guy to 13, next....play to 13, they give chauncy billups waaaay to... Read Full Review