May be a good game to rent when it gets in the Bargain Rental Section at Hollywood Video Rental.
Another vital asset, that shouldn't be issued on account that it isn't a vital asset to the plot nor the story line, yeah music helps but graphics really doesn't have a requisite position in my mind. But either way you feel that instituted stature, the graphics in this game stink. Yes, they stink. You really has to be hard to make some street ball game and then not have look or feel this bad.
Yeah the motion and response of the game are actuall a clank & clunk quite thing goin on there.
Overall though, dont pick up this game. It really sucks. Theres no reason to buy it,
oh yeah I forgot to mention the soundtrack, it as well stinks.
thetragic few minutes you spend on this game, are precious minutes playing good games, like, Final Fantasy, KOTOR 1&2, Xenogsaga agian 1&2, so really please for the sake of God don't pick up dis game!!! ITS TOO REPETITIVE!!!!