A solid ballers game, but no real story or online play, to make it a GREAT game...
The story for any ballers game is very very lame. But you can create your own charachter and like the old NBA Baller games, go through a rag to riches mode, where you face NBA players or legends and if you are lucky enough to beat them, you get to use them for Quick Play, which is just as fun. The A.I. on this game is decent, you will be able to stump people in 11-0 games or you might not even be lucky to score a point in some games. Ballers does bring back some awesome moves to remeber and some freestyling alley opps to go ohh over...The load times on this game are very long and not very joyous either, you usually see some guy sititin by a huge mansion with his very overly priced cars or you might see your characther. But the most disapointing part of the gameplay was the lack or NO, ONLINE PLAY WHAT SO EVER!! Which makes all, frown, because a game like this would do great with some great online play.
This games graphics prove that this game for the PSP is better than the older game for the XBOX/PS2/Gamecube, its that good. The Characther models are faboulous, all the NBA players look just like themselves in the game, however if you play like Shaquille O'Neal in some games, you will get the very whacked out dressing he is wearing, which makes you want to gag to say the least. The sidelines are very awesome, usually you will see the mansion or the cars or even some nicely done people in which you can toss them a quick one...The moves are awesomely done, when you do a move, it always stops time, which looks amazing.
The sound is lame of course, just like any other street balling game, all you will hear is your annoucer, which lets just say, you dont wanna hear him. He is always obnoioux and saying something so stupid. You do get some tracks which are decent but not want you would want in a game like this...
This game is a solid PSP game, but i feel like it is only a small step up from its little brother. Rent this game, and if you like it, spend 40 bucks on it...