It brought the boom with almost all the shakalaka!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA Jam WII
Okay, I've had the game since its release on October 5th. Its October 9th and still haven't even played all the modes yet. I used the first two nights to figure which team i would be comfortable and I ended up with the clippers. I wanted to put up my review first before gamespot did but i was curious to see what they would say. Besides the great classic gameplay as you roll through the NBA teams to be the best there are Tons of unlockable players, and their representation in the game are great. When you play through the atlantic divison and others the last game is represented by an ol skool tag team from a team in that division. After going through the Atlantic I faced Starks and Ewing on the knicks and man did they get Ewing down to the T!!! Not only with the high top fade, but the big white knee pads he used to wear. Game looks great, and plays great, animations are amazingly smooth. Big head mode is the way to go so you can see the facal expressions of the players which look great and not chessy at all. Commentary is as great as the original version, and controls are great either way with classic or Nunchuk. Oh and 1 cool thing , from the old versions, when you shatter the back board, it stays broken, its just not magical repaired when you come back down court. Your AI partner will still do a few dumb things but not enough to make you lose.

Now as for the extra modes all I've done is smash, and that's fun. Don't know exactly why gamespot really put the extras in here but since I haven't played all I guess its still up in opinion. But playing smash is great. So many unlockables, I already got Rodman, Shaq from the magic, The Iceman, and also when you unlock them they play in the jersey that was corresonding to the team at that time. It was when i played a game of smash with the magic, I had vince in the new jersey of today and had the black pin stripe shaq used to rock back from 92-93!!!

Now automatically this game can not get a 10 cause of no online play. Yes its a classic and its fun to play 4 buddies with you in the living room, but Its being re-released 2 decades from the pre internet era,,, come on EA!!! Goldeneye got it right. There is plenty of enough stats to compare Online with other players. Its just so disappointing that I had to drop my score a full point and a half. Maybe if the other extra games are boring and useless then I'll drop my score to 8.0 but let me tell you, NBA Jam its still a solid game and a must buy for your Wii collection!!!