Much better then I expected it to be

User Rating: 8.3 | NBA Live 06 X360
I preordered this game months ago because I always liked the live series more then 2k, then after reading the reviews I was real nervous and even tried calling wal-mart to see if I could switch games, but it had already shipped. So when it got here my expectations were low, but man was I suprised. Graphically this game is very impressive and the commentary is alot better thent he 2k series. The thing that really suprised me was the gameplay, its practially the same as live 2005, but is that really a bad thing, that was my favorite game of the series up until now. The only disapointing thing is franchise, but at least you know next year when they have everything its going to be no doubt the best basketball game out there, even though I already think it is.