Great Beggining to the XBOX 360!

User Rating: 9.6 | NBA Live 06 X360
6.4!? Cmon' this game is fun, addictive, and highly entertaining. NBA Live 06 is mostly build around the XBOX Live experience. The seasons, and stuff feel extremely rushed because theres so many things that you can't do. Like the 3-Point Shootout, or whatevers been in the previous titles for the PS2 or XBOX.

The Graphics are groundbreaking. The music is so catchy. The gameplay is so smooth.. I just can't figure out why everyone's so disappointed in this game title.

The Multiplayer experience seems like everything is equal. Neither team has a huge advantage (Stat Wise); and almost all luck has been eliminated. I absolutely love how the Live experience has been set up with the 360 and NBA Live takes advantage of that. I've given this game a 9.5/10.