Great game...
back to the gameplay well unlike older basketball games when you are drivin in for the layup/dunk you can just go through everyone and make an easy basket almost everytime but in this game its actually a challenge to do so. when you drive in not only are the players actually tryin to stop you but they are quite good at rejecting you (blocking your shot). also they use their body so you cant get the best shot off which i like because it feels more like a real basketball game which is how it should be. also the announcers do a pretty good job of not repeating what they say. its like they actually know whats goin on during the game instead of just saying what just happened for example...when i was playin a game the other team while on defense was not doin a good job of stopping me so the announcer kept goin back to how i was in the lead because they werent able to stop me on offense throughout the whole game. just little things like that make it feel more real.
i really like how they added the 3 point challenge because to me its a really fun feature to the game. one time while i was using steve nash and i did great. on the first round i missed 3 which is actually pretty good but it could be better which is exactly what i did in round two. i got all 30 shots in!!! it was awesome.
another good feature is the slam dunk challenge. its fun and all but to me its a little hard and confusing. hopefully i will get better and more used to it afte playin it more. but i still think that this is a really good feature.
i am really impressed for the quality of this game espicially for being on the psp. imo its a great game.