NBA live 07 is a good game with some issues.

User Rating: 7 | NBA Live 07 PSP
NBA live 07 for the psp is a good game. The only problems I have with it is that sometimes when you shoot I miss majority of the shots, I can only block with certain players, and the load times seem a little bit longer than 06. The mini games are pretty fun especially Dribbles which is pretty cool because you turn your PSP counter clockwise
at 90 Degrees. Takes fast fingers but it is pretty fun. The game Is good but It is a rent it first. I would buy NBA Live 06. For one it plays better and two...
It is extremely Fun. I have NBA Live 06 and that is my most favorite basketball game on my psp. Like I said NBA live 07 is a good game but it has some issues. In 06 you'll miss a few shots but not as many as in 07. I still like the game but I don't play it as much as I play NBA live 06. So
I would rent this game first.